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Expert Guidance

Evidence-Based Wellness with Adeline

Navigating what trends have scientific basis in the wellness world- separating the good advice from the quacks!

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Personal Wellness Consultation

Adeline has a passion for helping people lead their best lives. With her background in health science, yoga teaching, and self-directed research projects, she is able to help people reach their wellness goals, whatever they may be. 


You will never have to worry about judgement from Adeline. She understands that people try their hardest, and sometimes simply having an advocate who understands that people make mistakes can create a positive attitude and facilitate permanent change. If you are tired of "experts" claiming you "Aren't trying hard enough," or "If you cared more you would make such and such a decision," you are in the right place. 


Personal wellness consultations include 1-30 minute Skype consultation per week, plus email assistance. Adeline isn't a therapist or a "coach" who is trying to market a product. She is a professional Health Scientist who can help you realize the roadblocks to your success. 


Health is about more than dieting and forced exercise. Contact Adeline to find out what is keeping YOU from achieving your wellness goals! 

Healthy assortment of yellow foods

Corporate Wellness Consultation

Adeline's degree in Health Science had an emphasis on Public Health Education, and behavioral changes was the focus of her specialty. She is knowledgeable on how to design or improve corporate wellness programs to save you, the company owner, on health insurance costs.


The program can be as simple or complex as you desire. The end goal is the same: to incentivize your employees to make better healthcare choices. How can you make simple changes in your workplace to encourage everyone to be healthy? A healthy employee is an employee that works hard and makes you money. 


Contact Adeline today for a worksite wellness consultation!

Fog and Nature

Private, Semi-Private and Group Yoga Instruction

Adeline's goal is to bring people the ancient healing tools of yoga, coupled with modern nutrition and scientifically verifiable natural medicine to help people live happier, healthier lives. 

Adeline first discovered yoga at 20, when she took a class to help relieve chronic back pain. The instructor had the incredible ability to adapt every class to the injuries and preferences of her students. This kindled Adeline's interest in yoga, particularly yoga therapy, which then led her to the Viniyoga Foundations for Yoga Therapy program. 

Not only does Viniyoga address the physical body, but it impacts a person's physiology through the breath and meditation. It has the power to alter perceptions and decrease suffering. 


Viniyoga is a powerful tool that can help anyone live better. Contact Adeline today to find out how it can help you!

Contact Me

Have a particular challenge you’re trying to deal with? Contact me today and see what I can do for you.

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Olympia, WA, USA


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